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SLF4Bukkit is an SLF4J binding that uses Bukkit’s plugin logging system.

For Server Administrators

If you were linked here by documentation for a plugin that you’re using on your Bukkit/Spigot server, you can control the logging behavior of the plugin using its config.yml file.

Basic documentation of all available options is shown below. Your plugin likely has additional information regarding what portions of the plugin’s logging facilities are configurable.

# This is the section within which all SLF4Bukkit configuration options are
# contained. Its name is the same regardless of what the plugin's name is.

  # Default log level for all plugin logging activity. Possible values are
  # "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", or "error" (case-insensitive).
  # If the plugin logs any "trace" or "debug" messages, they will be logged by
  # the plugin as "info" severity, but you'll see the actual severity in the
  # log message. This is due to a Bukkit logging limitation.
  # If not specified or given an invalid value, defaults to "info".
  defaultLogLevel: info
  # Shows an "[SLF4J]" header for every message logged through SLF4Bukkit.
  # If not specified or given an invalid value, defaults to "false".
  showHeader: false
  # Shows the full logger name (e.g. "info.ronjenkins.bukkit.MyPlugin"),
  # wrapped in curly braces.
  # If not specified or given an invalid value, defaults to "false". If true,
  # this overrides "slf4j.showShortLogName".
  showLogName: false
  # Shows the short logger name, wrapped in curly braces. The short logger name
  # is the short Java package name format (e.g. a logger named
  # "info.ronjenkins.bukkit.MyPlugin" would have a short name of
  # "i.r.b.MyPlugin").
  # If not specified or given an invalid value, defaults to "true". If
  # "slf4j.showLogName" is true, this option is ignored.
  showShortLogName: true
  # Shows the name of the logging thread, wrapped in brackets. You probably
  # don't want this information unless you're helping troubleshoot a plugin.
  # If not specified or given an invalid value, defaults to "false".
  showThreadName: false
  # This section controls default colors for logging levels. Each entry in this
  # section maps one of SLF4J's logging levels to one of SLF4Bukkit's
  # ColorMarker values. The possible keys (levels) in this section are the
  # possible values for the "slf4j.defaultLogLevel" property.
  # If either the key (level) name or the value (ColorMarker) name does not
  # match one of the possible values, that config entry is ignored. Keys and
  # values are compared in a case-insensitive fashion.
  # The values in the plugin config are applied on top of the following
  # hardcoded default values:
  #   error: RED
  #   warn: YELLOW
  #   info: NONE
  #   debug: NONE
  #   trace: NONE
  # The ColorMarker values are:
  #   BLACK
  #   DARK_RED
  #   GOLD
  #   GRAY
  #   BLUE
  #   GREEN
  #   AQUA
  #   RED
  #   YELLOW
  #   WHITE
  #   NONE (default console color)
  # If you are running this plugin on a Bukkit implementation that does not
  # include the JAnsi library (e.g. PaperSpigot), none of these configuration
  # values will be honored and all log output will have no colors.
    error: RED
    warn: YELLOW
    info: NONE
    debug: NONE
    trace: NONE
  # This section controls logging levels for individual loggers.
    # For each element in this section, the key is the full logger name and the
    # value is the logging level for that logger. Possible logging levels are
    # the same as what's available for the "slf4j.defaultLogLevel" property
    # (case-insensitive).
    # The documentation for your plugin should elaborate on what logger names
    # are available. As a general rule, you won't need to specify levels for
    # specific loggers.
    # For any logger, if the level specified here is invalid, or if the level is
    # not specified at all, the level of the closest parent logger is used. If
    # none of the logger's ancestors have a valid level defined, the
    # value of "slf4j.defaultLogLevel" is used.
    info.ronjenkins.bukkit.MyPlugin: debug
    info.ronjenkins.SomeOtherLogger: warn