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SLF4Bukkit for Plugin Developers

If you wish to use SLF4J in your Bukkit plugin, or if your plugin has a dependency on a library that uses SLF4J:

  • (Optional) Add your desired default configuration values to your plugin’s built-in config.yml file. For more details, see the Javadocs for the BukkitLoggerAdapter class.
  • (Optional) Use the SLF4J API in your code.
    • SLF4Bukkit supports only ColorMarkers, which format the entire message and associated throwable (if any). All other markers are discarded. ColorMarkers always override the default level-specific formatting defined in the plugin config.
    • In addition to using ColorMarkers, you can use Bukkit’s ChatColor values to further format your message.
    • SLF4Bukkit issues ChatColor.RESET after every log message, so you don’t have to worry about resetting after each message.
    • You can use the ColorString class to easily create colored log messages.
    • For a consistent user experience, it’s recommended that you perform all logging via SLF4Bukkit and not use Plugin.getLogger().
    • Any color-related features are silently stripped/ignored when SLF4Bukkit runs on a Bukkit implementation where JAnsi is not available (e.g. PaperSpigot).